Category Archives: Carriers/Platforms


PCIe104Z is based on the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC family. This hardware is in PCIe104 form factor and adheres to its latest specification. It offers 4 Gen 2.0, x1 lane PCIe interfaces through a switch that allows 4 PCIe104 cards to be connected to the ARM on the Zynq which acts as the host. The board also offers 2 Gen4, x4 lane PCIe connected to the PL parts which can act both as host and endpoints. It offers, HPC FMC, a Display port, USB, SATA, and other interfaces and comes with Petalinux running on the ARM.

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Solar Express 200 (SE200)  is an x8 Gen3  PCIe carrier board with two SoM-PF m(System on Module) sites. The 2 SoMs that can be supported on this carrier are SoM-PF1 and PF2 which are based on MPF500-1FCG1152 and  MPF300T-1FCG784E respectively. Site 1 is typically designed for SoM-PF1 but if SoM-PF2  is plugged into that position then only PCIe, Firefly, SFP+, and 4 lanes of high-speed serial links for the FMC interface will be available. The board is designed for development purposes and plugs into a PC’s PCIe slot and is powered by a PCIe interface. An FMC slot, SFP+ module, x2 Samtec FireFly, USB, and other peripherals are available on the carrier card.

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